Monday, February 3, 2014

Cron Job to Backup the Database(mysql) and send it as an email attachment

mysqldump mydatabase -ujerome -pmypassword > /home/jerome/database_dump.sql
zip -q /home/jerome/  database_dump.sql
mutt -s "Email Subject" -a /home/jerome/
rm -f /home/jerome/ /home/jerome/database_dump.sql

add the execute permission to the user

make sure the server forward mails to outside email
 or you may have to setup a forwarder

setup a cron job /home/jerome/

Sunday, February 2, 2014

SLT Broadband Checker UI

SLT broadband checker... hmm... not useful at all.

only useful option i see is the "Extra GB" request

SLT needs to provide more details.. MB used, payment history, reports (statistics last 3 months - daily volume usage graph), websites accessed ( 8) privacy violation, )

the old version was simple but very useful, gave a daily log with gw and port etc. i was able to import to mysql and generate graphs with this data.

got an alert 80% of total volume was reached..

ui may be not looking nice, may be due to some css not loaded

maybe useful for a custom app :) json format.. hmmm...

Name Analysis by Country and Facbook, ;)

not all countries, fb search analysis is there


Blogger templates