Monday, April 16, 2012

Magento Sort Attributes Compare List View

hi guys!

found a great extension for sorting attributes in the Compare List View :)

Magento CE (Community Edition)
Compatible with: 1.3, 1.4,, 1.4.2, 1.5, 1.6, 1.6.1

make sure to read the installation instructions, else you will get the 404 error

* Disable Compiler, if it is enabled (System -> Tools -> Compilation)
* Disable cache, if it is enabled (System -> Cache Management)
* Install the extension* Log off admin panel (Log Out)
* Log into admin panel (enter your login and password)
* Set Advanced Compare parameters (System -> Configuration -> Advanced Compare)
* Enable compilation and cache if needed
* Rebuild "Rebuild Flat Catalog Product" (actual for versions 1.3.x)

System -> Configuration -> Advanced Compare

Catalog -> Attributes -> Manage Attributes

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