Thursday, November 7, 2013

Intel Next Unit of Computing - NUC

Magento: Change checkout successful page to from 2-col-right to 1 column layout

copy the checkout.xml inside your your theme folder

in the app ->  design -> base -> default -> layout -> checkout.xml

Change the template line#420 to 1column.php

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

alertify.js nice alerts and messages

its simple to use in yii and magento or any other website

include alertify.min.js and the css files, you are done

Yii set the default sort order

class MyModel extends CActiveRecord {

public function search(

          return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(
              'criteria' => $criteria,
              'pagination' => array(
                  'pageSize' => 100,
              'sort' => array(
                  'defaultOrder' => 'firstname, lastname DESC',


Blogger templates